Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serenity is not a plastic face, or even a porcelain one...

I was inspired by an article in the Yoga Journal(November 2009) about Sri T Krishnamacharya as I practiced on my own mat. I tried to apply a steadfast focus in each posture and to my entire practice. The title phrase above came to me..."serenity is not a plastic face..." I started to think about my students. I ask them to enjoy moments of difficulty all the time. I put them into a posture and say as my teacher said to me, "Please enjoy this moment." I see tense jaws and intense expressions from trying to get it right. It is true that although we try to control it, we have little control over the world outside. We can change ourselves only, so we try so hard to do it right, or cheat because we can't. Bad things happen and good things happen. Serenity is the steadfast place inside. In this place we are not shaken by the good and the bad. Our physical bodies are effected by life and time, but in this place we chose how to respond to life experiences. When we connect with that place on our mat it is practice for the rest of our days.

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