Saturday, February 11, 2012

musings on breath...

Here are 2 different ways I use inhalation and exhalation...

In this one contracting on the exhalation - bringing the belly in and up, lifting up on the pelvic floor and diaphragm, and then contraction the muscles in between the ribs for a more full exhalation...

These last few weeks we are working with the breath...specifically the exhalation. Control of the exhalation, I am told, is where the power of health and well being lies. Practice contracting on the exhalation and completing fully the exhale, then relax, allow expansion and the breath to flow back into the body. In this way we tone the middle and create strength in our center.

In this next one we use the exhalation to relax the body...

The exhalation also serves to relax the body. What is a sigh? It is an attempt to release tension. The more relaxed the body, the more healthy, the more efficient, the more effective. Allow the exhale to relax you and the inhale to invigorate you. Try consciously allowing tension to flow out during the exhalation. For more on exhalation and relaxation see post from 10/22/09 "Exhale and Relax."

If I taught hour plus classes I would take some of the class time for formal breathing exercises. I demonstrate them once in a while for my students who would like to practice them at home. Since I teach in places that allow only hour classes, instead of formal breathing exercises, I would like my students to learn to breathe in a way they can take with them throughout their day. I ask them to concentrate on their breathing throughout the hour and work with the particular concept through out the class if it is appropriate.

I used to have a neighbor that worked at night and each night someone would pick him up for work and beep the horn outside my front door. It was annoying for a while and then I realized it was a regular sound in my environment. I used it like monks use bells in meditation. To remind myself to come into the moment and breathe consciously. Are their regular sounds during your day in your environment that could remind you to take a deep breath and come into the moment?

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