Saturday, February 28, 2009

Live what you want...


Today I am dealing, a little, with my shoulder tension and I found an exercise to do. (I would like to post it so check back at a later date for posted video and pictures.)

I realized while doing the exercise how important it is to keep the shoulders relaxed and not to push... not to try to make a perfect shape based on a picture in my head of something outside myself that is what the posture or movement should look like... but to try to go no further than a place of discomfort-pain, tension, emotional resistance, resistance, excessive will power... and to try to accept the limit of today and be in this moment...for the purpose of allowing the energy to flow... before moving extending to the boundary... maybe a slight bit beyond, as long as the energy is still flowing and there is not tension or other blocks beginning to form.

I feel in this way I can progress the fastest and furthest... though fastest and furthest is not the goal... the goal... is to be... in this moment and enjoy it.

Jai Bhagwan


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