Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yamas and Niyamas talk...

I am emphasizing mindfulness and alignment. I talk about the niyama "santosha" finding well being in each moment-difficult or easy, and the yama "ahimsa" nonharming-practiced toward the self. Use the breath to move the body into postures gently and without pain or tension. This practice will build strength and flexibility through the concept of "less is more" rather than the use of force.

santosha sanskrit contentment, the greatest happiness, unfaltering joy

sanskrit the avoidance of violence

sanskrit restraints

sanskrit observances

Note: I make these terms look like I got them from the dictionary, but these are my translations gleaned from many different sources and my own experience. I do not have a translation of The Yoga Sutras. I learned about Patanjali's Yoga Sutra while studying hinduism for my teacher training certificate in the Sivananda style of yoga.

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