Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

I would like to relate one of my favorite Buddhist tales;

2 Monks, one older, one younger were walking. They came to a river which they had to cross to continue their journey.  There, a "woman of the night" was waiting and she pleaded to be carried across the river.

The older monk picked her up, waded into the river, crossed, and put her down on the other side. The younger monk followed and then they continued their journey. They walked together for an hour in silence, the younger monk fuming in anger.

Finally he spoke. "How could you help HER?" he raved.

The older monk simply replied, "Are you still carrying that woman? I put her down an hour ago."


A butterfly transforms itself. It begins its life as larvae and grows to a caterpillar. In this stage it eats and eats for energy.  It then spins a cocoon and remains inside hidden. Is it still working or resting? To emerge as a butterfly it must let go of its old form completely.

The older monk is trying to teach this complete form of letting go to the younger monk. This simple story contains so much. The monks journey together and encounter an obstacle-the river-and a challenge-the woman. The older monk recognizes temptation as more difficult in youth and does not ask the younger monk to carry the woman but more appropriately and compassionately undertakes the task himself. He does not judge. Yet the younger monk judges the woman's path whether chosen or most likely not chosen.  He possibly judges more harshly due to the difficulty of temptation, yet he views his own way as "right" and hers as "wrong" and thus is angry at the older monk for helping her.  In one gesture and one simple statement the older monk demonstrates, self control, lack of judgement of self and others, and compassion.  He leaves the whole experience at the river, right or wrong, and moves on.

May we let go of that which no longer serves us and transform in 2014.

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