Friday, January 3, 2014


During winter we get cold and contract. This creates tension especially in our shoulders. Try to take a deep breath and let go of that tension. Look around and see the beauty. Smile.

Warm up with some Ujjayi breathing, or agni-prasana also called the breath of fire. Please see the contraindications for this latter breathing technique before beginning to practice and use Ujjayi instead if you have any of the conditions that make Breath of Fire not advisable for you. Do not practice agni-prasana if you are pregnant or menstruating. There are many videos and written instructions posted online about yogic breathing, but do pay attention to contraindications and start slowly. A good yoga teacher will incorporate breathing technique into classes.

The first yoga book I read recommended to practice breathing exercises for a full year before doing any postures. This is a very strict teaching recommendation, however, it would be extremely helpful to the foundation for your practice. Please at least spend time weekly learning to breath correctly for your yoga practice.

Pranayama : extension of the life force. Breath is Life

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