Monday, March 16, 2020

Announcement about COVID-19 & upcoming online classes & things to do for your home practice

Hello everyone! I hope this finds you safe and healthy.

First, I would like to encourage you all to take the practice of social distancing seriously. This is not about whether you think you are or are not in a vulnerable group, age or health wise. This is about flattening the curve. In Italy, the curve got too steep and hospitals were over run by people needing care and equipment and they could not keep up. Let us not be in that situation. I encourage you to get out for walks, and get supplies that you need, but to please stay at least 6 feet away from those you meet. Greet them with a smile, a wave or a prayer position...virtual hug them. Try to convey the same feeling a hug, kiss or handshake would without the actual physical contact. It's for now and for us all.

Secondly, I am looking into ways I can offer classes online. I am hoping for something in which I can see you back, but I may start with just live streaming. The SCHEDULE will be posted here on this blog with links and I will email those on my mailing list. In response to those who have asked, it will be by donation only if the Gyms that normally pay me, cannot.

And lastly for today, here is something you can do right now to start or enhance your home practice.

1. Mindfulness meditation:

Just sit in a comfortable seated position - on the floor or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor - balancing on your sits bones, OR lie down on your back.

Focus on the sounds you can hear and sensation on the outside of your skin, then go inside and without judgement notice your physical sensations, then your emotions, your energy and your mind. What do you feel, where do you feel it? If you start thinking observe what you are thinking and then come back to where you are.

Then let it all go and see how long you can watch your body breath. When your mind tries to get you on a train of thought, notice without judgement no matter how long it has been, and come back to the moment, and your breath, and your body, emotions, and energy.

Allow yourself to notice, sounds, sensations, emotions, energy...and observe occasional thoughts without judgement.

2. Check out the posts here on this blog and find one to read or do. It need not take longer than 5 minutes or you can explore longer if you wish.

3. Savasana - Lie on the floor or bed and completely relax into the surface. Let go and relax just for now and just for you.

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